Cinch rope around your left wrist and coil the hand-line into left hand as shown.
Grab castnet with left hand just below horn |

Extend left arm and grab the net again at pocket height with right hand. |

Transfer castnet back into left hand. At this point all of the net should be in your left hand with the lead line resting on the ground. |

Reach down from where your left thumb and forefinger meet and divide your cast net in half. |

At this point, you should have the hand-line, the horn, and half of the net in your left hand, and the other half of the net in your right hand. |

Roll the half of the net in your right hand over your left thumb and release. |

You now have two clumps of lead line at the bottom of the net. A high section over your thumb and a low section hanging from your left hand. |

Grab the lead line with your right hand where the high and the low clumps of lead line meet. |

Place the lead line gently in your front teeth
(Be careful not to put the lead or net itself in your teeth, only the rope between the leads.) |

Reach down with your right hand and pick up the lead line hanging from your teeth with your thumb and forefinger. |

Turn your right palm up, bringing it up near your left hand and fold the netting over your left thumb back into your right hand. |

Both of your hands should be somewhat close together and palm up. You are loaded and ready to throw your cast net at this point. |

Stand facing left of your target. Keeping both of your hands together, simulaneously rotate your body and hands ninety degrees to your left. Without stopping, immediately rotate back toward your target in one smooth continuous motion. (Be sure to keep your arm outstretched) |

Release your cast net at a slight upward angle in the direction of your target. (Be careful not to overpower your throw). The cast net should open into a circular form. Pull on the throw-line to close the net at the desired depth. |
To dump your live bait, simply hold over a bucket or bait well and pick up the horn of the castnet and release the hand line. The bait should fall out the bottom of the net. |